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Triple P
Positive Parenting Program


What is Triple P? 


The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program is an internationally-recognised program that gives parents the skills they need to build strong family relationships, manage misbehaviour and prevent problems happening in the first place.


Session Details:


-Remote via Zoom

-For parents of young children (up to 10)
-FREE of cost!

-Registration required (see below)
-Zoom link will be sent prior of event to registrants


Session Dates:


7/16 Dealing with Disobedience (1:00-2:30 PM)

7/23 Managing Fighting and Aggression (1:00-2:30 PM)

8/6 Bedtime Routines (1:00-2:30 PM)

8/13 Managing Shopping Trips (1:00-2:30 PM)

Register Here!

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